Akeneo Developer Portal
Akeneo PIM's developer documentation migration (Jan 2024 ...)
Last updated
Akeneo PIM's developer documentation migration (Jan 2024 ...)
Last updated
Akeneo is a major PIM SaaS solution. Used by thousands of clients and partners around the world, the Akeneo products allow managing extensive product catalogs, integrating and creating custom apps for ERP, e-commerce, multichannel management and more. The current documentation was a bit scattered across multiple websites and pages, and had been built over-time by multiple teams, so it lacked a bit of cohesiveness. Our goal for this project is to curate, reorganize and migrate a clean, up-to-date and properly structured content into a read.me that will become the new Akeneo's developer portal. The project also involves the complete rewriting of the Open API specification (currently Swagger, 2.0) to fit within read.me while maintaining interactivity. This project is ongoing Tools: read.me, Visual Studio Code, Swagger UI, Postman