6 month full-time contract (Feb - July 2020)
Last updated
6 month full-time contract (Feb - July 2020)
Last updated is the french official open data platform. It is managed by the Etalab Service, within the Prime Minister Services. I joined the team for a 6 month full-time contract as a "Data Editor" in 2020, right at the beginning of the pandemic when health data became critical in a few weeks.
As categories are not an available feature of CKAN (the open source tool used to build the platform), I suggested we build thematic dataset collections pages, and created the first one related to COVID-19 data. There are now many thematic dataset pages on the platform. I also wrote dataset descriptions, metadata schemes, the first newsletter of the platform and contributed to the Etalab blog. I handled the Twitter account to post about new datasets and open data news. I contributed to a few sections of the documentation as well (using Github & Jekyll). All content was written in Markdown.